Ever been to a pajama party? Don’t panic! We have everything you need to know about what they are, right here.
What is a Pajama Party?
A Pajama Party is a particular type of party. It is usually a sleep-over, meaning the guests will bring their pajamas to sleep in. This is where the term “pajama party” gets its name from.

However, there are many different types of pajama parties. Some are aimed at adults; others are strictly for children only. Traditionally speaking, a pajama party would be held by young-to-teen aged girls, for them to gossip with their friends.
If you have been invited to a pajama party, read our article first so that you can arrive prepared.
What is a Pajama Party in School?
School, particularly secondary school, is where you are most likely to hear about a pajama party. Teenagers love to get together with sleep-over parties – especially at the weekend.
A pajama party in school might mean that your whole school is having a sleepover, under the careful supervision of your teacher. If this is the case, the students will be expected to bring everything they will need for their overnight stay with them, to school.
When the pajama party is done, parents can come and pick you up if it is the weekend.
If it is a school day, you can then pass the day at school as you normally would.

What is a Pajama Party for Adults?
When you are an adult and you are invited to a pajama party, it means someone has asked you to sleep over at their house. This could be for any number of reasons. The reason you have been asked is likely to depend on the person or persons who asked you.
If a member of the opposite sex and of a similar age to you has asked for a pajama party, there is a chance they want to initiate an intimate relationship with you.
If an adult of the same age and sex as you ask you for a pajama party, there is still a chance that they want an intimate relationship with you, although the chance is lessened somewhat.
If you are invited to a pajama party as an adult and there will be a group of people there, it is likely that you are going to recreate the same experience many people had of pajama parties when they were young.
In this instance, you will watch movies, maybe play board games, and do all the things you would have done as a child. The main difference will be in the addition of alcohol. Typical adult pajama parties include wine, so be sure to bring a bottle of your own!

What is a Christmas Pajama Party?
When you are invited to a Christmas pajama party, it is the equivalent of being invited either to a pajama party, or to an adult pajama party. The difference is only in the time of year.
When you are invited to a Christmas pajama party, it might well be Christmas themed. You can expect tinsel, holly, and lots of red and green décor.
Since it is a cold time of year, make sure you take warm clothing. You can also expect treats like hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows, party snacks, and other seasonal fares.
If you are invited to an adult Christmas pajama party, there will probably be alcohol. It is customary to take a bottle of wine with you as a gift for the host. This is true even if you don’t drink yourself.
As to adult pajama parties held at Christmas time, the original rules still apply. If it is romantically interested in you, they may use the term “pajama party” to describe taking your relationship to a more intimate level.
Related Read: Do Pajamas Have Pockets
What Does a Pajama Party Look Like?
Pajama parties get their name from the clothing that we wear while we attend them. This does not mean that you need to show up in your pajamas! You can arrive in your normal clothing and change when you get there.
A pajama party is an informal affair. There may be snacks and drinks, but you should take your own just in case. There might be music, karaoke, gossiping, love letter sharing, game playing, or any other fun activities.
A pajama party for children or teenagers will always involve adult supervision. It is unlikely that the adult will attend the party themselves, but they will be in the building where the sleepover is being held at. This lets them intervene if the children misbehave or make a lot of noise.
A pajama party for adults will look much the same. Adults will stay dressed until bedtime, wherein they will usually sleep in the same room. This allows for late night conversation and any other, more intimate, activities.
What to Bring to a Pajama Party?
If you have been invited to a pajama party, it is difficult to know what to bring. Some of the most common items you will find there, include:
- Snacks and Drinks – some soda, crisps/chips, and chocolate, should be enough for everyone.
- A sleeping bag – you might not need one, so ask your host in advance if you need blankets of your own.
- Fun games – if you have a board game or video game that you love, why not take it along to share with your friends? This is non-essential (but nice).
- Fresh clothing – you will need clean clothes for when you wake up in the morning.
- Something to sleep in – don’t forget those pajamas!
If you are attending an adult pajama party, you may wish to bring the following optional extras:
- Alcohol – either to drink or to give as a gift.
- Something sweet – ice cream is a favorite snack at adult pajama parties.
- Protection – if you think you are going to be romantically involved during a pajama party as an adult, take the protection and be safe.
- Slippers and pajamas – we still need those PJs but the older we get, the more we need our slippers, too!

What to do at a Pajama Party?
When you attend a pajama party, you will be involved in different activities. These vary depending on your age and the group you are sharing the party with.
As a youngster attending a pajama party, you can expect to do some of the following activities:
- Truth or dare – this is a classic party game where you must pick a truth to tell or a dare to do. Each person in the group gets a chance and the game continues until boredom takes over.
- Hair and makeup – young girls and teenagers are likely to do each other’s hair or makeup, helping each other to learn about what things work for them, and what doesn’t work.
- Clothing – you might find you are trying on each other’s clothes, or even raiding mum’s wardrobe for some of her things!
- Explore toys and play board games – these will depend on what the host has in the cupboard, but you could take a board game of your own if you wanted to.
- Young teenagers will often take computer consoles, particularly young boys and men. They will set up their consoles and each has a turn playing.
- Your host may have another activity planned. It is important to listen to what they want to do with the party since it is being held in their home.
If there is something you would really like to do at the pajama party, then you should ask or tell your host beforehand so that they can prepare.
How to make the most out of a Pajama Party?
Sometimes, your parents are visiting friends and you are dragged along to have a pajama party – even if you don’t want to be there. Other times, you might have to go to a pajama party at a friend’s house, even though you two have fallen out.
In this case, you can still have a good evening. If you think you will be bored at your host’s house, then take a game with you to play. Make sure it is something you can share.
If you don’t like the house you are going to because it is too hot or too cold, then dress accordingly. If you don’t like the snacks they serve, then you can take snacks of your own to help you make the most of the pajama party.
If you are spending time with someone that you don’t like, try not to let your emotions get the better of you. Wear a big smile and devote your attention to the people you do like. Who knows? You might even manage to have some fun!