Of all household chores, ironing is the least favorite of many people. Ironing can be labor-intensive and risks scorch marks on favored garments.
Sadly, ironing is necessary to maintain the quality of certain clothes.
Pajamas do not necessarily need to be ironed. In fact, in the case of silk or satin pajamas, it may do more harm than good. All the same, some people do not feel comfortable wearing anything that has not been ironed. If you do iron your pajamas, ensure you do so properly.
How Do You Iron Pajamas Correctly?
Set up your ironing board and heat your iron to 400 Degrees Fahrenheit (for cotton) or 300 Degrees Fahrenheit (any other material). Turn your pajamas inside out, lay them on the ironing board and apply steam. Gently run the iron over the pajamas, then fold and store them.

When to Iron Pajamas
Whether pajamas should be ironed is a source of debate. Some people cannot countenance the idea of wearing creased nightwear. They insist on pressing their pajamas, ensuring a crisp feeling against the skin. Others consider ironing pajamas to be a waste of time and effort.
In many respects, the necessity to iron pajamas depends upon the fabric. Silk or satin pajamas, for example, should be ironed rarely – if at all. The intense heat of an iron can easily damage these delicate materials.
Cotton pajamas, on the other hand, can feel wrinkled if left unironed. Some people are unconcerned by this, but others will feel scruffy if they wear creased clothing of any kind.
If you do decide to undertake this activity, ensure that you do so appropriately. Careless or inappropriate ironing can damage garments. This guide will explain how to keep your pajamas in tip-top condition with the aid of an iron.
What You’ll Need
If you’re going to iron your pajamas, prepare everything you need in advance. This will cut down on labor during the activity itself. To iron your pajamas, you’ll need the following.
- A high-quality steam iron. Ensure this iron does not leak, as water drops can stain
- A well-padded ironing board. If you feel wires under your ironing board cover, replace it
- Ironing water (optional but advisable)
- A thin cloth to avoid applying heat straight to the pajamas (again, this is optional)
- A basket or hanger to keep the newly-pressed pajamas wrinkle-free after ironing
Once you have everything in place, you are ready to begin the process of ironing your pajamas.
Step-by-Step Instructions

Ready to start the ironing process? Then follow these step-by-step instructions.
01. Prepare Your Materials
Before you start, neatly arrange everything you will need to complete the ironing. You will not want to be scrambling for materials or equipment during the process. That is an easy way to accidentally scorch your clothing.
Set up your ironing board to an appropriate height, and plug in your iron. Have your ironing water, a pressing cloth (if applicable) and the pajamas themselves within easy reach.
02. Apply Water to the Iron
An iron will only work if you have poured water into the spout. Make sure this spout is firmly closed and is not leaking. If this is the case, replace your iron. Spots of water can stain clothing, especially if you have silk or satin pajamas.
We previously suggested using ironing water, rather than tap water. You can find ironing water in any supermarket. This product will invariably be scented, which makes the pajamas smell more appealing while in storage.
More importantly, ironing water will contain none of the chlorine or heavy metals (such as copper) found in tap water. This means that ironing water is less likely to rust your appliance, prolonging its lifespan.
03. Set the Iron to an Appropriate Temperature
Your iron will have a variety of temperature settings. The temperature to use depends on the fabric your pajamas are made from. Some irons label the settings by fabric, others by temperature.
As a general guide, you should use the temperatures below when ironing pajamas.
Cotton | 400 Degrees Fahrenheit |
Wool | 300 Degrees Fahrenheit |
Silk or Satin | 300 Degrees Fahrenheit |
Polyester | 300 Degrees Fahrenheit |
When in doubt, start at a lower temperature and increase if necessary. Stubborn wrinkles can be resolved with more heat. Burns and scorches cannot be reversed.
04. Turn Your Pajamas Inside-Out
It is good practice to always turn clothing inside out before ironing. This also applies to pajamas.
Turning your pajamas inside out will protect any design on the front of the nightwear. In addition, any mishaps such as burn marks or water stains will be less visible.
05. Apply Steam to the Pajamas
Before pressing the iron against your pajamas, spray steam on the garments. This will soften the material and make the ironing process much easier.
If you are ironing silk or satin, steam should be all you need. There will rarely be any need to press heat directly to the material. In fact, this could cause damage.
06. Apply the Iron to the Pajamas
Finally, it is time to apply the iron itself to the pajamas. Work slowly and methodically, not pressing too hard. If you like, lay a thin cloth over the pajamas. This will absorb the bulk of the heat and any dripping water, protecting your pajamas.
If you meet any resistance, do not force the iron over a crease. Apply more steam to the pajamas then re-apply pressure from the iron. Repeat until the pajamas are perfectly smooth and wrinkle-free.
07. Fold and Store the Pajamas
Finally, as soon as the ironing process is complete, neatly fold and store your pajamas. This will prevent any new creases from forming, providing a luxurious sensation when you change clothes at night.
Tips for Storing Pajamas
Having established that ironing pajamas is optional, you should consider where you keep your nightwear when not in use. Appropriate storage of pajamas can be every bit as impactful as ironing.
Some of the most popular storage options for pajamas include:
- Folded and kept under the pillow
- Folded and kept on top of a dresser or hamper
- Hanging on a hook (inside a closet or a bedroom door, for example)
- Inside a dresser drawer or basket
You’ll see a theme emerging here. The most important thing is folding your pajamas. This will prevent creases from forming. If space is limited, consider rolling instead of folding.
If your pajamas are smooth and devoid of crinkles, they’ll feel great when you wear them next – and you’ve saved yourself the effort of ironing!